I just changed my phone to an Android 4.2.

I was under 2.2 before.

It takes me quite some time to get confortable with the newest interfaces. Out of it, I completely miss the possibility to quickly swipe a contact or a text message to call him immediately as shown on those pictures:

Swipe to text Swipe to call

How can I achieve something similar on Android 4.2? I mean quickly jump from calling to texting to contact easily?

Until now, it takes me 3 taps to call from text messages, can't achieve to send sms from call log, and since contacts are not filtered in People App ("Show only contacts with phone number" - Filter missing in Android 4) it takes a while to find people from contacts.

  • 1
    What phone do you have? Is it skinned (Samsung Touchwiz, HTC Sense, ...etc)? The pictures look like Samsung Touchwiz interface, did you upgrade the phone to a new version or is this a new phone?
    – Lazer
    Commented Sep 22, 2014 at 8:00
  • 1
    That's a feature on Samsung's dialler, I don't know if any other ones do it, but there are lots of free diallers on the Play Store, worth a look. I assume you installed a non-touchwiz ROM?
    – RossC
    Commented Sep 22, 2014 at 9:03
  • I have a Fairphone fairphone.com now (got a new phone). I think the best option I have is to click on the contact picture now, as described in this post: android.stackexchange.com/questions/29269/… Still 2 clicks but better than nothing! Commented Sep 22, 2014 at 9:07


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