I recently bought Huawei Ascend Y530 which is SIM-locked in a swiss provider, swisscom that is. I checked through the web to find how can a sim-locked phone be used with any sim, but surprisingly I couldn't find something usefull.

There are a lot of entries, about companies that give you an unlocking code, by providing them, the device's IMEI. Unfortunately this doesn't come free of charge let alone the questionable reability.

I contacted Huawei to provide me with the code, but they couldn't.

The most relevant information I could find was from xda-developers forum, where someone can find a lot of information about rooting or unlocking bootloader but not on how to unlock the sim.

Another interesting question was Is there a free way of unlocking an Android phone from a particular network?. There, someone can unlock the phone just by giving the IMEI number. Rather sadly however, this app can only be used for a certain provider and a specific device.

I don't know if I factory-reset the phone will be unlocked or even rooting it.

Does anyone know how to unlock the phone, so as to use any sim card? Is there a way to get access to the SIM-unlocking code, just like it can happen with a lot of Samsung devices?

1 Answer 1


It's nothing to do with Huawei. You need to contact the carrier who you got the phone from.

  • Thank you very much for your answer! The thing is that the carrier will charge me a great ammount of money, much more than to buy a new unlocked one! I am looking for something similat to android.stackexchange.com/questions/2579/…
    – Thanos
    Commented Oct 21, 2014 at 9:06

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