As an answer to my question about applications for bigger Android screens, Daniel answered whether I noticed the FEATURED TABLET APPS tab in the PC version of the Android market.

Android market tabs showing FEATURED TABLET APPS tab

However, on my screen, this tab is not present :

Android market without FEATURED TABLET APPS tab

Does anyone know why this tab is not present on my version of the Android market ?

I am logged in to my market account, I have a Samsung Galaxy S and a Archos 101 tablet. Daniel has no tablet, so that can't be the reason.

I am living in Europe, so maybe it's a territorial thing ?

  • I'm also a European (who doesn't own a tablet) and I can't see that tab whether I'm logged in or not.
    – GAThrawn
    Commented May 15, 2011 at 11:38

1 Answer 1


Edit: As per Lie's comment below, it looks to be US-only. The proxy site I use apparently changed to hosting in the UK :P

I'm in Canada, and also tried from a US UK (my bad) proxy. It doesn't show up.

A quick Google search shows that the URL for the page with the tablet apps should be https://market.android.com/details?id=apps_tablet_featured. Using this link directly doesn't work either, whereas https://market.android.com/details?id=apps_featured (the regular featured apps) does.

So I think Google just had it up temporarily and took it down. Or, if Daniel can still see it, they're doing what Google normally does: rolling out new features slowly, to only some users at a time.

  • 1
    I'm on Australia, and can't see the tablet tab; but when I tried using a proxy (purportedly claiming to be a US-based one, double checked by whatismyip.com and ip2geolocation.com), the tablet tab do shows up although the site's javascript are broken.
    – Lie Ryan
    Commented May 15, 2011 at 19:17
  • @Lie I see it via that proxy too. Edited Commented May 15, 2011 at 19:38

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