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Questions tagged [android-things]

Android Things is a distinct offering from Google that allows for easier custom drivers, seamless updates, and integration into the Android Things Console

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How google home app works?

I am developing a new iot project to monitor air quality in the environment. the device, ESP8266, needs a wi-fi connection, which we usually put fixed in the code that the microcontroller will run, ...
Renato Vieira Dantas's user avatar
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Do any open source Android ROMs work on smart clocks?

Has LineageOS or any other open source Android ROM moved into the Smart Clock (bedside alarm clock space)? It seems some of these run Android Things: The touchscreen isn't as robust as Google's other ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Kernel module for create hostapd on android things

I am trying to create an access point on Android Things for raspberry pi 3, the hostapd configuration: cat > data/misc/wifi/hostapd.conf << EOF interface=wlan0 driver=nl80211 ctrl_interface=/...
Alvaro Denis Acosta's user avatar