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Questions tagged [browser-add-ons]

Browser add-ons can enhance user experience or provide extra functionalities. Use this tag if your question is about a browser add-on, e.g. Tampermonkey

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there a reasonably straightforward way to download videos from proprietary web browser players?

I have a Samsung SM-P900 tablet that I bought specifically to watch professional education videos during a long commute. Unfortunately almost immediately after that the videos I want to watch the most,...
andrewH's user avatar
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Allow few URLs/Websites only on browser

I need like a browser to open ONLY a set of predefined URLs/Sites. I don't need remote management or anything like that,like Surefox but not commercial or cheaper for a few devices. So, I want to ...
Jkarhani's user avatar
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Disable Google docs in Dolphin Mini?

The answer to how to download PDFs leads to a link describing that Dolphin mini uses google docs for opening pdf and other documents. From a programmers perspective this is a nice solution - the ...
Nils's user avatar
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How to force Firefox Nightly to install an addon?

Firefox Nightly refuses to install addons unless Mozilla "recommends" them. That's an artificial restriction.[1] How to bypass it? [1]
Nova's user avatar
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How to Enable Android Opera mini browser off-road mode?

Recently I found that, enabling off-road mode in Opera mini browser is a great way to hide my browsing data from ISP. So I installed the version 24.0.2254. But I couldn't find the option in enable the ...
S.Roshanth's user avatar