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Questions tagged [google-plus-huddles]

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6 votes
2 answers

Can I record Google+ Huddle chat messages?

I thought they have being saved at Gmail chats like google-talk. But I was wrong. How can I record Google+ Huddle messages? Saving at gmail will be best option.
Benjamin's user avatar
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Is there any way to access Google Plus Messenger history?

Once you leave a Google Plus Messenger (formerly Huddle) conversation, it is removed from the main window of the application. Is there any way to view or search old messages?
sickgemini's user avatar
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How do I delete a Google Plus Huddle message?

I shared a message in Google Plus Huddle with one of my contact. I am looking for a way to delete the message but cannot find anything. I even cleared my Google Plus data from Manage Apps but the ...
Thierry Lam's user avatar