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Questions tagged [j2me]

Java 2 Platform Micro Edition or Java ME is a computing platform for development and deployment of portable code for embedded and mobile devices. While this tag may not be used to address development questions (off-topic), but may assist those looking for solutions to run Java applications or what it means when an android device is said to support Java runtime on the specifications.

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5 votes
2 answers

J2ME emulator that works for ICS? [closed]

Is there any J2ME emulator like JBed for ICS? I've found a ton of tutorials like this but as far as I know, all of them are exclusively for Gingerbread and below. P.S. I already tried J2ME Runner ...
Propeller's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I install .jar files on my Android?

I downloaded some 3D games, unzipped them, and got .jar files. How can I use these in Android? I have a Galaxy S running 2.1.
Jeevan Bhatt's user avatar