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Why does the use of symlinks in /system gradually erode available space?

I am working on a routine for swapping dictionaries on an e-reader (Nook Simple Touch--Android 2.1). I've got the shell commands nailed down and have constructed an app using Tasker. It all works ...
nmyshkin's user avatar
1 vote
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How to delete some files on unbootable phone with low memory?

I had been ignoring low memory on my android phone (Nexus 6P running copperhead OS) for some time. OS suddenly crashed out of no where and started booting up infinitely. After forcing it to restart ...
Amit's user avatar
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System storage is showing full even when it is not. So I can't install apk as system app

I have OnePlus 6 with latest Open Beta. It is rooted. I have done everything but I still can't install any app as a system app. I have tried Link2SD and Titanium Backup. I have tried to copy/paste ...
Saminjay Goel's user avatar
4 votes
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Chrome taking up lots of space on my Android device

I have an OnePlus 5T running Oxygen 5.1.4 (which is based on Android Oreo 8.1.6). According to the app DiskUsage, Google Chrome is using almost 15 GB of data. (Click image to enlarge it) Apart from ...
Markus Klyver's user avatar
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ADB version of these terminal emulator instructions?

I have the "Insufficient storage" bug on my Moto G X1032. This answer fixes it with the terminal emulator app, which i can't install. They recommend performing the following commands in adb if that's ...
Erlja Jkdf.'s user avatar
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Directly storing apps in SD Card

So I bought an 'Swees' Android phone recently, with ~150mb Internal storage + 4gb External SD Card. I downloaded Android SDK manager on my mac, installed necessary packages and ran the 'adb' file in ...
Gregory Peck's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Why is "insufficient storage" wrongly reported when installing an .apk via adb? [duplicate]

I have an HTC Desire running Froyo. It is not rooted, nor have I installed any custom ROM. I get an "Insufficient Storage" error when I'm trying to install an app via adb/eclipse. The .apk is only ...
Graham Borland's user avatar