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2 votes
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Require password to turn off for all Android devices

A relative of mine recently lost his phone and someone turned it off immediately and now the phone is missing. Find My Device was unable to locate the phone as it had been turned off. I have a few ...
prantik bizz's user avatar
2 votes
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Automatic Power On and Off

Is it possible to configure a smartphone with Android 8.1.0 to power on and off at specified times?
Vlad's user avatar
  • 21
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Disabling power button restart

How can I disable android from rebooting when the power button is pressed for few seconds? Is this done in software? Context: my power button is broken. I tried to remap it by changing the relevant ...
hrkrshnn's user avatar
  • 141
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How do I prevent people from shutting down my samsung phone? [duplicate]

When I have the passcode enabled, you can still shut down my phone when you press the power button. Is there any way to prevent people from shutting down my phone?
toutsandnaushi's user avatar