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Questions tagged [samsung-captivate]

For questions specific to the "Samsung Captivate" (SGH-I897), the AT&T variant of the "Samsung Galaxy S".

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Samsung Galaxy S Captivate stuck at the boot screen

I have a Galaxy S Captivate and it has been problematic ever since. I flashed various stock roms (with and without bootloaders) in download mode and the phone always gets stuck at the boot screen (AT&...
user6123723's user avatar
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Can installing a modem help with the GPS of Samsung Captivate?

Like most Samsung Captivate users, I find the GPS hardware in my phone to be unsatisfactory. I have the impression that the actual GPS signal is pretty much useless and the phone (Samsung Captivate) ...
Gazihan Alankus's user avatar
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Samsung Galaxy SGH-i897 with SlimBean won't connect to AT&T

Samsung Captivate AT&T Network Slim Bean 4.2.2 I was having issues with my phone and decided to try a ROM and give the phone a new life. I chose the SlimBean Android 4.2.2 ROM and all went ...
zkent's user avatar
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Samsung Galaxy S Captivate power button

My captivate's power button was acting up a few weeks ago. But the other day it just completely stopped working! I either have to plug it in to my charger or completely take my phone apart and take ...
Joseph P. Lavallet's user avatar
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Where do i find cwm recovery for samsung captivate?

I rooted my 2.3.5 and then returned my Samsung Captive i897 to stock 2.1 update 1 ROM. But now I want to put cyanogen 9 ICS -- but the CWM recovery does not work anymore. Where do I find one for 2.1? ...
FutureSci's user avatar
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Is it safe to install cyogenMod on my rooted, bricked , then unrooted Samsung Captivate

My Samsung captivate was running the latest version of Android available to it which is 2.3.5 Gingerbread. I rooted it by installing ClockworkMod Recovery, (flashing zImage using heimdall on Ubuntu),...
FutureSci's user avatar
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