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Questions tagged [sony-ericsson-xperia-play]

For questions truly specific to the "Xperia Play" manufactured by Sony.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Meaning of purple blinking on Sony Ericsson Play (R800)?

The phone went off and I cannot turn it on. I tried pulling battery out, but it did not help. Cannot also connect it to SEUS since it does not detect a mobile connected. Now, when I connect a mobile ...
AnDroDroo's user avatar
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Xperia Play MTP driver fails to install

When trying to update my Xperia Play with PC Companion, it fails to install the drivers for my device. I plug it in, it tries up until it says a problem has occurred installing the hardware. I've ...
Calvin B's user avatar
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Rooting Xperia Play 2.3.4 without unlocking bootloader

After reading many forums, just came across this site. I may sound outdated, but I want to root my Xperia play. After reading many forums. I am confused. I have an unlocked Xperia Play 2.3.4 build 4....
Saqib's user avatar
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How do I unlock my bootloader with Omnius?

I want to unlock the bootloader of my Carrier Locked O2-UK Xperia Play. When I go into the service menu and check if my bootloader can be unlocked it says "allowed:no". After further research I found ...
Nik's user avatar
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My mobile doesn't read my sd card

My Sony Xperia Play doesn't read the memory card. It only says unavailable. Trying to format it didn't help either. I have tried many methods but the same problem occurs, so what to do?
nisan gotame's user avatar
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Xperia Play (R800a) stuck at Sony Ericcson logo on boot

OK then: Recently, the Xperia Play's screen has been broke. I just put in the new flex cable and THAT seems to work... except now: I can only start the phone on USB power, otherwise it freezes at the ...
Calvin B's user avatar