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Murshid Ahmed's user avatar
Murshid Ahmed
  • Member for 11 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
1 vote

How can I search the SMSs/MMSs using the default search interface?

1 vote

Galaxy Note 10.1, does not recognize finger touch

1 vote

Gmail has stopped syncing

1 vote

Why can't I update my device?

1 vote

Error occured while flashing Galaxy Y with JELLYBLAST V3.0.2

1 vote

HTC One S notification vibrate

1 vote

My wife shares her Google calendar with me. How can I see her events on my Android device?

0 votes

Nexus S and phone charger get unusually hot when plugged in

0 votes

Rooted Nexus 4 wants to update

0 votes

Android keyboard stopped working

0 votes

apps wanting setting control

0 votes

Installing BusyBox crashes phone

0 votes

how do you properly root galaxy s3 i9300 on mac?

-3 votes

Samsung Galaxy S3 requesting network security key when tethering