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ares777's user avatar
ares777's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
8 votes

Why does "adb reboot" shut down my phone so much faster than usual before it reboots? Is it skipping important steps?

6 votes

Images have disappeared from gallery, but still in "My Files" (Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, 5.0.2)

2 votes

How do I stop my Moto G from pestering me about Motorola ID related things?

2 votes

Mobile network sign disappears, replaced by "stop sign" icon

2 votes

Where are the resource (/res) files used by an app stored?

2 votes

Can KingRoot Brick my Nexus 9 and HTC One

2 votes

Is it possible to record yourself while reading?

1 vote

Set an app to be default without clearing old first

1 vote

How to copy mp3 files from computer to Android phone

1 vote

Number not displayed for incoming calls in sony xperia z1

1 vote

The app Facebook has violated its self-enforced StrictMode policy

1 vote

Reverse a wipe request for a stolen phone

0 votes

Removing redirect link malware