So... How do I disable time traveling?
I have Cyanogenmod 13 on a Redmi 2 Pro (a snapshot version), with opengapps 6.0-pico-20160704. I recently noticed that, when I get from 2016-oct-15 on the calendar to the next day (for example, by choosing "day" view and scrolling to the right), it goes back to 01-jan-1970 (Unix zero time). In month view, if I click on any day of that week, it also goes back in time.
It's funny: I can schedule events on a date within that week, but the calendar won't display them (that weeks stays empty). This happens with two different calendar frontends (Etar and AOSP Calendar), so it must be related to the internal Android Calendar.
Is this a known bug? What should I update in order to try to fix it?
And what will happen if I don't fix the bug before that week? Do I go back to the 70's?