I'm trying to get list of partitions and their mount points in terminal, but I'm not so succesfull.

"ls -l /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/11230000.msdc0/by-name/” (found this path by using "cat /proc/mounts" but it return me a 'permission denied, I guess I need root, but I don't have one. So how to get partitions names and mount points without root? Also there is one weird thing: when I go with Total commander in /dev folder there isn't /block folder inside just file named 'block' with size 0 and not readable (becase lack of root). How is that possible?

  • You need to be rooted. Commented Jan 18, 2017 at 20:44
  • No way without root? Ok. Do you know anything about not existing /block folder? Commented Jan 18, 2017 at 20:50
  • 2
    It exists, you just can't properly enumerate the contents of /dev/ without root. I get "Permission denied" when running ls /dev, guessing your kernel/filesystem just behaves slightly differently. Commented Jan 18, 2017 at 23:22
  • Please see: How to list all major partitions with their labels?
    – Izzy
    Commented Jan 19, 2017 at 0:08
  • @Izzy the thing is I lack the root. That is a problem, other commands from link doesn't return me anything or says command not found. Commented Jan 19, 2017 at 0:11

1 Answer 1


Type in mount to a terminal emulator, root not required.

Lists all mount points active, note: mine is very long due to many bind mounts.

Imgur: https://i.sstatic.net/FuFMJ.jpg

Or alternatively

Type grep /etc/recovery.fstab


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