Is there a way to see some stats about the top apps in the Android Market across all categories?

The Google Play Store gives me some top paid and free apps per category. How do I get the overall stats?

2 Answers 2


AppBrain can give top apps overall and by cateogry. It also has filters for Free, Paid, New, Updated and Price Reduced.

  • Doesn't answer the OP's question. I think he's looking for stats/metrics on the apps in general. Not how to filter them.
    – kchau
    Commented Oct 1, 2010 at 5:29
  • Good point. I see where you're going and I may be completely off on this one. Since the second part suggests the only problem with android.com is that there's no "all categories" option, I went with the interpretation that it is about top apps, not other stats. Commented Oct 1, 2010 at 5:38

This site gives stats on the App Market in general, as well as distributions of ratings and downloads.

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