The information you're seeking is located inside the library.db which is located at /data/data/ It is part of Google Play Store app's data.
Note: I presupposed that the app was installed via Play Store, as otherwise, this solution is of no use.
For an unrooted Android
Use adb to pull data of (Google Play Store)
adb backup
convert the backup into tar file using Android Backup Extractor (ABE) or other means you know of.
(ABE needs Java Runtime Environment and has README.txt for usage). ABE would unpack the .ab
file into a .tar
which you can then extract using an archiver like Ark, 7zip, WinRAR.)
Locate the library.db under databases directory and use an Sqlite viewer software (such as DB Browser for SQLite) to open that file.
Search for the package name of your uninstalled app ( in OP's case) under the doc_id column, and note down the corresponding timestamp in the purchase_time column in that same entry. That is a unix timestamp. Furthermore, a free app is also considered purchased (for zero amount) in this table, so do not be confused by the column name.
Use a site like Epoch Converter to convert the timestamp into human readable form.
For a rooted Android
You can use an SQlite viewer app to view that database. I used MyAndroidTools (not available on Play Store anymore) for testing purposes.