I have Magisk 4.20 manager and installed the fbind module. I need to use it properly because I made a small mess: I just wanted to bind a folder on my external sd with Download from internal memory. I used fbind -b
[Topic 1- solved]
but now some new folders were made that i cant delete mnt/runtime/read/emulated/0/mnt/media_rw/MD6H-KDY5/My Folder and mnt/runtime/read/emulated/0/mnt/runtime/write/emulated/0/download
This as explained Why deleting system files on a rooted Android says "device or resource is busy"? but if I enable core modules, delete the folders, then disable core-only modules, remove fbind and reinstall fbind, the folders are BACK...
So what I need to unmount to remove permanently from seeing them each time, they are wrongly made.
Edit: Final solution was to put (overwrite) some empty config.txt in data/adb/fbind and then I can delete the folders, it seems to read it from there. So no need to switch to Core only in magisk or uninstall the fbind.
[Topic 2 - unsolved] And I need to bind correctly w fbind like bindfs after I delete these extr folders, where I see content of External card as the download folder, till I revoke the bind. So what is the correct way to use fbind, it creates its own folders .fbind unlike bindfs . I like bindfs better but it only worked within terminal app on phone, other apps cant see the link.
What is the command? So that I do it like how I do with bindfs
it still cant recognize context