Happy New Year!
there is a problem with my sdcard under Android 7.1.2 (Custom Rom) (root=true, adb=possible). The vFat Partition can be used, but the rest is not mounted and can not be used.
mmcblk1p1 vfat 183 GB Status : OK
mmcblk1p2 ext4 16 MB android meta Status: not mounted
mmcblk1p3 ext4 64 GB Status: not mounted (primary) (want to use that partition as adoptable Partition for extra internal memory)
mmcblk1p4 ext4 2 GB Status: not mounted (primary) (want to use that partition as SWAP Partition for extra RAM)
Trying to mount the Partition3 (64 GB) gives the error
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk1p3 on /data/sdwyt2 failed: Invalid argument
Other similar error messages may also occur. Any help welcome !