I have been trying to download a PDF file from my Samsung Galaxy 10.1, 32G, Wi-Fi Tab. When I click on the download icon to check on it,it shows "Download in progress". A one page file, for instance, will take FOREVER then I get "Download failed".This happens again and again.

Very frustrating! I would then like to transfer the file to e-book to read at a later date. Can anyone help me please?

  • Can you open pdf files and doc files off your emails so u can read plans
    – user48331
    Commented Dec 13, 2013 at 13:44

3 Answers 3


Try with another browser, like the Android stock browser or Firefox for Android.


If you're using the Dolphin browser (which you should be using anyways), there is an add-on called MyPDF (available in Google Play). Check it out.


I've been having similar trouble. I went into the Settings for Google Drive (which I guess is my default reader even though I have Adobe Reader downloaded?). Under Data Usage, I de-selected "Transfer files only over wifi." Don't know for sure if this will help others, but seems to have worked for me.

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