I am trying to send an email marketing campaign and my email file size is 32K (HTML markup only).
When I open it in the native email client on my Android device (Sprint HTC running Gingerbread 2.3.5) it gets truncated with a message that says "Download Remaining 12K". The button is way below the fold so it's easily missed and 1/2 of my email doesn't even show up in the reader.
I found a setting in my (POP) email account under:
menu → more → settings → Send & Receive → Mail size limit
But the default was set to 25K. That seems EXTREMELY low. I assume this is to keep the total downloads to a minimum since most people don't clean out their inboxes very often.
However, is this the new standard? That emails need to be kept at a minimum of 25K? I am wondering how many other devices running the Android OS are configured this way by default and if I should re-think all of my email marketing campaigns moving forward.
I checked my Kindle Fire and I don't see an option to change the incoming file size and my email does not get truncated on that device.
I am hoping to learn:
Is this an Android version specific? (ie Gingerbread)
Is this a configuration one makes when setting up a device with the Android OS regardless of the version? Meaning every device is different?
How many devices are set with a max file size this low, what's the standard setting out of the box?