I really messed up my HTC Desire today. I need to copy some files to the sdcard, but my Android phone won't let me mount the SD card with write access.
Here's what I've done in short:
(boot to recovery, phone rooted)
$ sudo -i
#./adb root
adbd is already running as root
./adb shell
~ # mount -o rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard/
~ # cd sdcard/
/sdcard # ls
ls: ./internal: I/O error
/sdcard # touch test.txt
touch: test.txt: Read-only file system
/sdcard #
/sdcard/internal is a folder I created and copied some files to before the sdcard ceased to be writteable.
From now on I can't do anything, my system is down, It won't boot, and I can't copy a ROM to the SD-Card.