I have an HTC One X which has never before exhibited any connection problems.
Since the update to Jelly Bean around 2 weeks ago, it cannot reconnect to a WiFi network once it has lost the connection. It stays on the 3G network by itself. When I go to Settings and select WiFi, Settings sometimes freezes still showing the normal Settings screen but not reacting to touches, sometimes the screen becomes black (the bar with the network information and battery level is still visible). I can still use the Home button to start other applications. At some point, I get a message telling me that Settings is not responding, prompting me to terminate it.
When I restart the phone, it automatically establishes the connection to a known WiFi network. If I am somewhere where it doesn't find a known network, I can use Settings as usual to connect (scan for networks, choose one, enter password, connect). But after about an hour, I find that the phone is again on 3G and the above freezing happens when I try to reconnect.
I think this is not a problem of the way the networks are set up, as I had the same symptoms in 4 different home networks, using different router brands. Many other devices, including other Android phones, function in these networks without a problem.
A software update which came 2-3 days ago did not change anything about the problem.
The phone is running Android 4.1.1, firmware version 3.14.401.31. It is not rooted.
Any suggestions how to troubleshoot this? When I search the Internet for the HTC One X having WiFi problems, I only get scores of articles about known hardware problems.