So, yesterday my phone took a serious tumble. It is now essentially useless, as the screen either fails to turn on, or when it does, there is nothing useful to see (just lines of primary colors, mostly).
I believe (from the fact that it still chirps at me when emails come in, etc), that the phone is still functional, otherwise.
I would like to perform a full system dump, so that I can get off any files from the phone (a TMobile SGS2 (hercules) running slimrom 4.3 build 1). The sdcard probably isn't important, as I can just pull it, but the phone's own internal storage I should like to get a copy of.
When I plug the phone into a usb port, it 'mounts' the usb via MTP, and I can see all the files. Unfortunately, when I do a select all | copy | paste
operation, the paste op dies before transferring all files. I've tried a couple other ADB shell operations, in hope of flipping regular USB mounting on, but nothing has worked.
Any ideas how I can get a full dump of my poor phone's contents?
Currently running a adb pull /sdcard/
... Its copying files presently, but its too early to tell if its going to get evertying I'm expecting.
Edit #2
looks like its going to work...its taking a rather long time, but it appears to be grabbing everything I was expecting it to.
: Do you have TWRP (or any other custom recovery) installed? Can you boot into it and see what you're doing (after all, that's text mode and might still work)? If so, a Nandroid backup can be done from there.adb pull
: You're aware you're not getting a "real dump" this way which you could easily restore, I hope. Though not having a full strategy available, I'd say it would be a better approach to dump the file systems (e.g. usingdd
). There might even be a way to trigger the Nandroid Backup via ADB, AFAIK there's a corresponding script on the device./system
, and/cache
) then. What you're looking for most likely resides on/data
(app-stored date, which you also could get hold on usingadb backup
) or the internal SDCard (the external one, if there is such, you can simply attach to your computer using a card reader).