A friend of mine just asked me a nice question:
His (stock) Samsung Galaxy S4's Youtube is draining his battery. He said, that he hasn't been in the app today, and this morning he had the phone booting up.
Now, Youtube drained 51% of his battery.
I know, there are many possibilities, to "solve" this, like:
- Rebooting the Phone to get rid of the wakelock
- Terminating the Youtube-app via the Settings -> Apps menue
- Clearing Cache/Deleting Data
- Uninstalling Updates and deactivating the app
But besides these workarounds:
Is there any fix for this issue?
What could one do, if he'd have to terminate the app everytimes he boots up his phone?
Is there even something to do?
We try to achieve a better information about what exactly in the YT-app causes the battery drain using Better Battery Stats. Stats will follow.