I forgot my number password and I am unable to unlock my phone. I have tried looking things up online and the only solution I haven't tried is to perform a factory reset. I would prefer not to delete all of my data.

How do I reset/unlock my phone without knowing the password for the phone?

  • 1
    Welcome to the Android Enthusiasts! As this is one of our most frequent questions, we've set up some first aid in our locked-out tag-wiki. Please check that out, then come back here and either answer your own question when you were able to solve your issue, or edit it with what you've tried and where you're stuck otherwise. Good luck!
    – Izzy
    Commented Sep 4, 2015 at 22:06

1 Answer 1


The following steps may help you to reset the moto-g without loosing your data.

step 1: Unlock Motorola Moto G Bootloader

step 2: Root your phone with M-TOOL

step 3: install CWM(clockworkmod) recovery on your moto-g after rooting

step 4: choose RECOVERY from the Fastboot menu using your volume keys and enter recovery

step 5: then backup your moto-g using your volume keys and store it on sd card

step 6: reset your phone using recovery ,and restore the backup

  • Wouldn't unlocking bootloader reset the device?
    – Firelord
    Commented Sep 5, 2015 at 8:24

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