I have a Sprint Nexus 6 running Android 5.1.1.

The icon that I see in my Status bar when I receive a voicemail does not swipe away. It remains in my Status bar even after I listen to the message and delete it.

The only solution that I have found for this is to reboot the phone. Is there another way around this?

  • What happens when you force-stop the app which is causing that icon in status bar or go to Settings -> Apps -> All apps -> your app -> uncheck "Show notifications" -> check "Show Notifications"?
    – Firelord
    Commented Oct 15, 2015 at 12:42
  • @Firelord I can't I don't have a voicemail app I just use Google Dialer v2.1 and I can't do the can't change those settings via the path you posted.
    – Callat
    Commented Oct 15, 2015 at 12:42
  • @Firelord I see the notification comes from "Phone" so I go into "Settings -> Apps -> All" and there are 3 "Phone" apps and one "Phone/Messaging Storage". I force-closed the middle one and the app went away, but now I'm confused as to why there are 3 apps in here of the same name. Do you know anything about that? Also thank you for helping me.
    – Callat
    Commented Oct 15, 2015 at 12:53
  • See why are there multiple versions of "Phone" installed under all apps on my android lollipop 5.1.1 phone? Order of reading: Read the comments on the question followed by the answers.
    – Firelord
    Commented Oct 15, 2015 at 12:56
  • @KazRodgers, where you able to find a soultion? This VoiceMail drives me crazy too:)
    – Suncatcher
    Commented Mar 10, 2017 at 21:09

2 Answers 2


This is an app independent answer.

For cases where an icon seems to be stuck in the Status bar, choose any of the following approach:

Force-stop the app

  1. Find the app causing that icon.

    Usually, it is easy to know just by looking at the icon and matching it with app icons under Settings -> Apps -> All apps. For some exceptional cases, you can use apps like Notification Saver or Notification History or setup in PC and use the command:

    adb shell dumpsys notification

    Single out your notification and look for the package name of the app behind that icon. Read View app's full package name? to get the label for the app from the package name.

    Assumption: The app causing the issue is "AppX".

  2. Go to Settings -> Apps -> All apps -> AppX -> Force-stop.

That should remove the icon from the Status bar.

Uncheck Notifications

  1. Find the app causing that icon.
  2. Go to Settings -> Apps -> All apps -> AppX -> uncheck Show notifications -> check Show notifications.

Works well for user installed third-party apps.

There may be apps where the option Force stop or/and Show notifications would be greyed out. For such apps, only the mighty root can help. Any app having root privileges should be able kill such apps, such as OS Monitor. For example, in Terminal Emulator you can kill an app using its package name and am:

am force-stop PACKAGE_NAME_OF_APP

Related readings:


Open 'Jio4GVoice' app > Open Settings(3 dots on the top of the Jio4GVoice app) > Select 'Settings' > Select 'Notofications' > Untick 'Show app status in the notification bar'.

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