When I open Gallery or Google Photos, there are dozens or hundreds of albums and photos that have been automatically pulled from my Music directory, where there are lots of JPEGs that are cover art for MP3 files.

They make it so that it is very hard to find particular photos I've taken with my camera, and in any case it is useless to have them displayed there as I never want to browse music cover art in my Gallery.

I can't find any option to exclude folders, though. How do I make it so the image files in my Music directory are not included in Gallery or Google Photos?

  • @beeshyams, thank you for responding. If I put .nomedia to my music folder, won't that also stop my MP3 files from being seen by music apps?
    – Questioner
    Commented Sep 14, 2016 at 9:08
  • @beeshyams, the solution for playing music from a folder with a .nomedia file in it is to use a different music player than I am now. I don't want to have to take on specific music player apps in order to handle a problem with image galleries.
    – Questioner
    Commented Sep 15, 2016 at 4:05
  • @beeshyams, Thanks for your continued interest. I'm using N7 Player. And it's not the best player, but, if I have to choose between the hassle of unwanted images in my gallery and the hassle of using a new music player that I didn't select for it's features but for one obscure file handling issue, I'll go with the devil I know.
    – Questioner
    Commented Sep 16, 2016 at 0:20

1 Answer 1


Here's a solution to this old question:

NB :

  • this applies to
  • various hacks suggested by other answers did not work for me :
    • .nomedia files
    • renaming all album art files to Cover.jpg / AlbumArt.jpg / whatever

How to proceed :

  1. start the Gallery application
  2. click the bottom-right hamburger icon (≡) | Settings
  3. disable the Select albums to display option. This actually controls which option will appear hereafter :
    • when enabled : you'll get Select albums to display
    • when disabled : you'll get Select albums to hide
  4. leave the Settings page
  5. click the Albums bottom tab
  6. open the top-right menu 3 vertical dots (⋮) | Hide albums
  7. select the albums you want to hide

After that, you'll have to clear the Gallery's cache :

  1. return to your Home screen / App screen (the screen having the Gallery icon)
  2. long press the Gallery icon until a context menu appears
  3. in this context menu, click the top-right circled "i" ⓘ
  4. on this new Application information page, click on Storage
  5. click Purge cache
  6. enjoy

source : https://doc.callmematthi.eu/Android.html#hideAlbumArtFromGalleryApp

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