I want to move a game's obb (1GB) to an SD card. Copied the obb file to SD card, and symbolic link by:
ln -sf /storage/sdcard1/Android/obb/com.game /sdcard/Android/obb/com.game
but failed with "function not implemented".
I googled it, and got "some filesystem doesn't support symbolic link".
So I tried to use mount by command:
mount -o bind /storage/sdcard1/Android/obb/com.game /sdcard/Android/obb/com.game
but I found only root can see the files in the folder. Then I do:
cd /system/bin/
chmod 4777 ./toolbox #make anyone can use mount(in toolbox)
su u0_aXXX #the game's uid
mount -o bind /storage/sdcard1/Android/obb/com.game /sdcard/Android/obb/com.game
ls -l /sdcard/Android/obb/com.game
$ -rwxrwx--- u0_aXXX sdcard_r com.game.obb
But when I
cat /sdcard/Android/obb/com.game/com.game.obb
$ cat: /sdcard/…ame.obb permission denied
I'm using Android 5, any solution?
(I posted this question on Stack Overflow before, then I found here may be a better place to post this question.)