I maintain a master to-do list and a master "topics" list. Often an older list item becomes more urgent and I want to move it near the top of the list (so I can control which undone items show up in my Android widget)
Is that possible?
I maintain a master to-do list and a master "topics" list. Often an older list item becomes more urgent and I want to move it near the top of the list (so I can control which undone items show up in my Android widget)
Is that possible?
There is a small ribbon next to the check box. You can drag and move list entries with that.
In order to get the drag to work, I had to first click "+ List Item". This made the ribbons "dragable"for me.
The + doesn't have a "List Item" option. The last update to Google Keep broke the ability to move list items. Workaround: Highlight the list item, cut and paste in new spot.
When using my phone, I finally figured it out after trying just about everything. Make a very slight sweeping/swiping motion over the dots to the left of the item will stick it to your thumb right away so you can drop it elsewhere. Note, your thumb needs to be in the swiping motion before touching the icon... touching the icon and then sweeping will not work. Just touch the icon midway during the swiping. Just do the slightest little sweep or swipe, no clicking or pressing and holding worked for me. Works easily now 100% of the time with this itty bitty sweep on the icon, at least for me. Good luck, hopefully they will improve this.
Sweep the dots to the right first, so it is indented. Then move it up to wherever you want.