I have a Samsung Galaxy A3 (2016, A310F) with Android 7. I switched off "using mobile data" but every time when I turn on the phone or restart it, the "DRParser Mode" (system application) uses my mobile data.

Screenshots are below:

Screenshot of data usage Screenshot of data usage Screenshot of data usage Screenshot of data usage

How to block, disable or remove this app?

1 Answer 1


There are two apps that you can use to disable unnecessary packages (and in this case DRParser Mode) .

These are Package Disabler and Adhell. Both apps list out all the apps and services installed on the device and let you disable or enable them with a single tap. Most importantly it’s completely reversible and no root is required.

Adhell is a Free, Open Source Ad Blocker with Package Disabler for Samsung Devices, while Adhell is free while Package Disabler costs a little over $1.

enter image description here


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