I know there're lots of questions about insufficient storage, but no real answer so far ! In particular about /data/app, which has plenty of space in my case. So why can't I install any new app ?! What are the precise conditions that make install fail ? (I don't want tricks like clearing cache or /data/app, which are both fine in my case..., but I'm more interested by a dev answer about how the install process proceeds)
Thanks !
shell@wiko:/ $ df
Filesystem Size Used Free Blksize
/dev 235.3M 128.0K 235.2M 4096
/sys/fs/cgroup 235.3M 12.0K 235.3M 4096
/mnt/secure 235.3M 0.0K 235.3M 4096
/mnt/asec 235.3M 0.0K 235.3M 4096
/mnt/obb 235.3M 0.0K 235.3M 4096
/system 787.4M 687.4M 100.0M 4096
/data 2.5G 1.0G 1.5G 4096
/cache 221.5M 4.1M 217.3M 4096
/protect_f 8.8M 4.1M 4.8M 4096
/protect_s 8.8M 4.0M 4.8M 4096
/storage/sdcard0 2.3G 1.0G 1.3G 4096
logcat gives:
I/PackageManager( 672): Apk copy done
I/PackageManager( 672): Checking for more work or unbind...
I/PackageManager( 672): Posting delayed MCS_UNBIND
V/PackageManager( 672): + starting restore round-trip 16
V/PackageManager( 672): No restore - queue post-install for 16
V/PackageManager( 672): Handling post-install for 16
V/Provider/Settings( 672): get setting for user 0 by user 0 so skipping cache
V/Provider/Settings( 672): from settings cache , name = sys_free_storage_log_interval , value = null
V/Provider/Settings( 672): get setting for user 0 by user 0 so skipping cache
V/Provider/Settings( 672): from settings cache , name = disk_free_change_reporting_threshold , value = null
D/dalvikvm( 672): GC_EXPLICIT freed 579K (8856), 21% free 15405K/19324K, paused 5ms+10ms, total 125ms
I/Finsky (14148): [15066] com.google.android.finsky.packagemanager.impl.h.a(9): Package install status for fr.smoney.android.izly.REC is -4
W/Finsky (14148): [1] com.google.android.finsky.installer.a.aa.a(37): Install failure of fr.smoney.android.izly.REC: -4, Exception: n/a
pm set-install-location 1
(0=auto, 1=internal, 2=SDCard).