How can I see the title alt text for website images on an HTC Desire?

I'm currently using the Dolphin HD browser but I can't see a way of getting the alt text.

  • Be an activist and upvote the defect here! Though that's a longer term answer. :)
    – Metaxis
    Commented Jan 21, 2011 at 23:19

4 Answers 4


Good question. I don't see an obvious way to do that to solve your problem on all websites. However, there just so happens to be a few xkcd viewer apps. I use this one which has a menu > hover text option.

EDIT: This seems like a reasonable thing to try for link hover text, but it does not work for me on the default HTC Incredible browser:

  1. Tap any white empty space near to the link you want to hover over.
  2. Now move your trackball up/down until it selects the link. Don’t click it.
  3. There! The tooltip now appears. Simple solution. :)

I saw this suggested here.

  • Cheers, that's helpful but unfortunately the hover suggestion doesn't work in the case of xkcd.com - maybe because the images aren't links? The app is a reasonable workaround for now though. Commented Oct 8, 2010 at 11:26
  • 9
    Not every Android phone has a trackball, either.
    – ale
    Commented Oct 8, 2010 at 16:04
  • App no longer available. Commented Dec 24, 2023 at 4:51

The right answer is to just go to https://m.xkcd.com. There is a link on there to show or hide the alt text.

  • 14
    Works perfectly for xkcd, but not for other sites/situations.
    – ale
    Commented Apr 17, 2011 at 16:48

I created a bookmarklet for this:

javascript:(function(){var D=document,i,f,j,e;for(i=0;f=D.images[i];++i)if(f.title!=""){var x=D.createElement("div"),s=x.style;s.color="Black ";s.background="yellow ";x.innerHTML=f.title;f.parentNode.insertBefore(x,f.nextSibling);}})();

This displays any TITLE texts as text with yellow background.


Download XKCD viewer app in the android market. You can then tap on the comic to bring up the hover text.

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