1. Summary

I don't find, how I can view, which folders and files are the biggest in my system data. So I can manually decide which files to delete and which not.

2. Expected behavior

Ideally to have behavior as in SpaceSniffer Windows program.


SpaceSniffer can show sizes of system Windows files.

I can't get similar behavior for Android.

3. Data

  • ASK Benefit S401
  • Android 5.1.1
  • CyanogenMod 12.1 ROM
  • Rooted

When I install CyanogenMod, system data size — ~700 MB; at the time — ~1,5 GB.

Several hundred megabytes — apps data, for which I would consider the possibility of removal.

4. Not helped

4.1. SpaceSniffer Android alterntaives

All doesn't show system data files and folders.

I don't find another DiskUsage alternatives, that can help me.

5. Do not offer

  1. Yes, I understand that operations with system Android files may be risky. I understand that I do actions at my own risk.
  2. Yes, I know about SD card partitioning, and I move all my apps to SD card use Apps2SD.
  3. Yes, I can view system data files, use any file manager, that support root — I use Amaze, — but I don't find file manager, that:

    • correct sort folders and files in system data
    • show files/folders size of all files in screen.

6. Related questions

My question is not duplicate for these questions; please look carefully.

  • SDMaid is also a good app. Commented Jan 29, 2019 at 19:56

2 Answers 2


Install Solid Explorer and grant it root access. This is the most feature filled file manager that I've tried. Visit the Root (/) partition, click three dots on top right and properties. There you can see a breakdown of the content, file types and top 20 files (it does take a while to index this).

Solid Explorer example

Alternatively with a terminal emulator use the common Linux tool du and sort by size:

du -ah(x) | sort -n -r | head -n (number_to_show)

I tried to find a build of ncdu for Android which would be ideal but no luck. If you have Ubuntu/Arch/some other system with a package manager installed you could simply apt-get it.

  • 1
    One problem: Solid Explorer is a great tool, but not FOSS :( . Thanks. Commented Jan 23, 2019 at 8:10
  • @СашаЧерных true that's why I was a bit hesitant providing it GDrive access. SFTP to my VPS works really well though.
    – trishmapow
    Commented Jan 23, 2019 at 10:04
  • If you haven't tried termux you might want to check it out. It gives you a terminal with apt and doesn't require root. It has a package for ncdu. play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux
    – nobled
    Commented Apr 10, 2021 at 5:42

I have tried five or six apk installed file management space app that can obtain root permissions. In addition to https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.google.android.diskusage/, other apps are very, very slow to index, may be associated with magisk or partitions? So I chose to su root permissions using adb shell.

Both ncdu and gdu (more feature-rich than ncdu) have compiled arm static binaries. Can be used directly in adb shell. The specific method of use can refer to https://android.stackexchange.com/a/256220/397711

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