I had semi-bricked / soft-bricked my Motorola Moto G6 smartphone as explained here: https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Moto-G6-Moto-G6-Plus-Moto-G6-Play/Need-help-unbricking-a-Moto-G6-XT1925-13-and-restoring-stock-OS/m-p/5013164
And I was stuck trying to install the stock ROM again. Finally, I was able to install the stock ROM onto the device, but I am unable to LOCK it again. The problem I'm facing because of that is that I will not able to upgrade the OS at all.
fastboot.exe oem lock
(bootloader) WARNING: This command erases all user data.
(bootloader) Please re-run this command to continue.
OKAY [ 0.021s]
Finished. Total time: 0.029s
fastboot.exe oem lock
(bootloader) Check 'Allow OEM Unlock' in Android Settings > Developer
(bootloader) Options
OKAY [ 0.029s]
Finished. Total time: 0.058s
When I boot into the OS, in the Setting > ... > Developer Options, "OEM unlocking" is already unchecked, as "Bootloader is already unlocked".
In its current state, I cannot upgrade the OS. It's currently at: Android 9.
When trying to check for upgrades, it says:
Android version: 9
Current version: PPSS29.55-37-7-10
Security patch level: April 1, 2020
Here is what the bootloader displays (I've hidden only the serial number):
AP Fastboot Flash Mode (Secure)
BL: MBM-2.1-ali_retail-32ffece02ed-200416
Baseband: M450_23.31.10.89R ALI_INDIADSDS_CUST
Product/Variant: ali XT1925-13 64GB PVT2
Serial Number: [removed]
eMMC: 64GB SAMSUNG RH64AB RV=08 PV=05 FV=0000000000000005
DRAM: 4GB SAMSUNG LP3 DIE:8Gb M5=01 M6=06 M7=00 M8=5F
Console [NULL]: null
Tools Mode Config: DISABLED
Battery OK
Transfer Mode: USB Connected