While I'm currently fully on stock, is there any way to extract the stock recovery now, before I replace it with TWRP? Do I even need to do that if I have entire RUU zip or will recovery be restored when I flash the ZIP through htc_fastboot?
I have seen links to ruu.lalleman.net with stock recoveries and RUUs, but the links are dead now.
My HTC M8s is fully stock now and I want to try Lineage 15.1 from https://src.voidzero.net/ (unless you can suggest some even more stable ROM with at least Android 7). I found twrp-3.2.3-0-m8qlul.img also on the same website, and also MindTheGapps-8.1.0-arm-20180808_153837.zip, so it should all work together nicely (I hope).
But before I go on, I want to make sure I can return back to stock. So, I have obtained RUU 0PKVIMG_M8_QL_UL_M60_SENSE70_MR_HTC_Europe_2.21.401.1_Radio_1.0.U20410.1@60201_20.05_018_F_release_496316_signed_2_4.zip that matches my radio number and currently installed mainver number. However, I can't find the stock recovery anywhere.
Here's my fastboot info:
fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader:
(bootloader) version-baseband: 1.0.U20410.1@60201
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 2.21.401.1
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
(bootloader) serialno: -
(bootloader) imei: -
(bootloader) imei2: Not Support
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m8ql_ul
(bootloader) platform: hTCBmsm8939
(bootloader) modelid: 0PKV10000
(bootloader) cidnum: HTC__001
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 0mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: 0b9a12e3
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
(bootloader) mfg-name: 0001