I have a micro SD card adopted by an Android 8 Oreo phone as internal storage extension, so it has two encrypted ext4 partitions: android_meta and android_expand. I've cloned those partitions into the "far end" of a bigger card using Macrium Reflect 8 (selecting the byte by byte copy mode w/o any analysis and optimization if I got it right) and created "external" aka "portable" partition in its free space later so that it goes first (just to please Windows). I also cloned the GUID. Unfortunately my phone is reporting "Adopted missing" upon booting up with it. What else am I missing? Many thanks in advance!
Does this answer your question? Shrinking encrypted ext4 partition– alecxsCommented May 16, 2023 at 8:04
@alecxs it definitely helps explain my issues with it: much appreciated! Looks like my phone wants entire card encrypted, hence no chance with dual partitioning I suppose.– dandreyeCommented May 16, 2023 at 8:22
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