I have a Xiaomi Redmi 4 (4X). I just unlocked the bootloader and cleaned all flashed my phone because the stalkerware my friend installed wasn't going away by a factory reset.

After some days from flashing, I found out that there were started appearing some files in my file explorer app like random APKs and files. Here are some pictures:

https://ibb.co/WsH7g0M https://ibb.co/4RhKBmm https://ibb.co/Bnh4zWG https://ibb.co/5rrZxFw
https://ibb.co/P1fY2JQ https://ibb.co/QkpVfcD https://ibb.co/8mQQVD6

I did basic googling and they seem like system apps, but this is my first time seeing them. I tried to delete it manually by pressing delete, but it cannot be deleted. Antiviruses don't seem to find it.

Does anyone know why these came up? Could it be due to stalkerware? What's the next course of action if a reflash and factory reset don't remove stalkerware other than getting a new phone?

  • 1
    System partition is usually read-only and usually protected by Android Verified Boot, so any unauthorized modification should be detected by Android. So it is more likely Xiaomi had put them there, may be they already existed before you recognized them or a system update placed them there.
    – Robert
    Commented Nov 25, 2023 at 16:35
  • @Robert XDA says it is not stock ROM but from Huawei ? Any idea about this? Is it possible for stalkerware to do this?
    – Qwert Erty
    Commented Nov 25, 2023 at 19:21
  • What is your build number? Go to Settings > About Phone and then scroll down to the Build Number at the bottom.
    – mchid
    Commented Nov 25, 2023 at 23:33
  • @mchid Serial number-9393f1cc7d44
    – Qwert Erty
    Commented Nov 26, 2023 at 6:16
  • I'm not finding anything for that. How did you determine that it's from Huawei?
    – mchid
    Commented Nov 27, 2023 at 14:11


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