I went here:
and did all this successfully: http://opensource.dell.com/releases/Venue_8_3830_CloverTrail_plus/developer-edition/Dell%20Tablet%20Install%20Instructions.pdf
Note the last step "13. Now you are done and the bootloader is unlocked and YOU HAVE ROOT ACCESS. "
Then I adb shell & su at the shell prompt:
shell@yellowtail:/ $ su
and I get this:
CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE: could not load library "libbinder.so" needed by "/system/bin/su"; caused by "libbinder.so" has u nexpected e_machine: 3
I repeated all of the above again just to make sure I did it correctly. My questions: Do I (as the Dell Doc'n says) or do I not have root access? If no how do I get it? If yes, how do I get it?