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How do I get Google Now's Package Tracking to Work?

In Google Search settings -> Google Now, I have "Show cards based on Gmail" checked. "Packages" is on, and the description says "when an order confirmation email is delivered for an online purchase" ...
derobert's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is there a way to detect that SMS text messages have been deleted, or is there a text message deletion history?

I don't know if this is possible, but is there a way to detect that SMS text messages were deleted on an android phone, specifically the Samsung Galaxy S4 phone, Android OS 4.2? I'm not looking to ...
user717236's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I create a shortcut to another file or folder inside a folder?

How do I create a shortcut to another file or folder inside a folder? Example: Suppose I go to a folder A /storage/sdcard0/pictures. I know that I have another folder B /storage/sdcard1/music. I ...
user275517's user avatar
1 vote
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Android Download Manager does not properly resolve hostnames

I have had an issue for a while with a few of my Android tablets. Those tablets would consistently refuse to install or update software from Google Play. I have spent days looking for a solution; I ...
Maarten Jacobs's user avatar
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Random share Intent screen

Sometimes when I'm just casually clicking around in apps or swiping through the OS, I get random Share Intent popups. I can usually open it with ES File Explorer, Chrome or Dropbox. It has no ...
tolgap's user avatar
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