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Questions tagged [direct-share]

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6 votes
3 answers

Share to app: Remove suggested people to share with (non-rooted Android 14)

When you want to "share" a file to an app, a line of "recommended people to share with" appears above the apps: Problem: I often need to perform demos on my phone, and for privacy ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Share intent to used recent or often-used contacts

Some of my Android apps allows me to share to oft-used (or recent?) contacts, which is quite convenient. What is this feature called? I'm having a hard time finding information about this "direct ...
opyate's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to disable Direct Share on Android 6?

The Direct Share on Android 6 looks like this: The problem is, I very rarely send something to contacts. It is much more frequent for me to look for some app, usually for processing the image, e.g. ...
Denis Cheremisov's user avatar