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Questions tagged [temperature]

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Galaxy S10 5G phone won't charge or charge up to only 77~78% due to low temperature in room temperature

The Samsung Galaxy S10 5G phone is my sub-device only used for gaming at home under Wi-Fi. When I plug in the charging cable, it sometimes or frequently won't charge at all or charge up to 70 or 77% ...
user67275's user avatar
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Which folder contains the temperature sensor output for the CPU in /sys/devices/virtual/thermal?

/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp shows 37°C (37000 millicelcius) no matter what the actual temperature is. The device is Moto G32, Android 12, not rooted. Using cat on Termux to view ...
Totaly engliz litrate's user avatar
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Keeping Samsung mobile phone cool in car while making a Zoom call

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note20 and sometimes make personal Zoom calls to friends in my car as I live with roommates. I live in the Seattle area, so during the warmer months, it'll get anywhere from 70 ...
risingPhoenix1979's user avatar
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How do I change temperature units in Android Wear's Weather app?

Just got a Fossil Q Founder smartwatch. Currently, it is showing Fahrenheit. How do I change the default weather app to use Celsius? I've changed literally every single setting I can think of. I have ...
gnomed's user avatar
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Is it possible to infer ambient temperature from battery temperature?

A few questions here and at Stack Overflow make battery temperature available for the inquiring minds: Get temperature of battery on Android How does Android obtain battery temperature Yet, I'm ...
Deer Hunter's user avatar