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Flow's user avatar
Flow's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Erlangen, Germany
1 vote

Why does my Samsung GT-i9000 not detect USB connectivity (not a driver problem)?

1 vote

Block all sounds going out through speaker when headphone connected

1 vote

Does the stock mail app log out from the mail-server?

1 vote

How to save a text file from the browser?

1 vote

How do I change the default SMS application on my HTC Hero?

1 vote

Does Voting on Market Comments Have Any Effect?

1 vote

Are there any Jabber (XMPP) apps out there that support jabber conferencing?

1 vote

Which apps show up in the market on an Android tablet?

1 vote

Is there any way to filter out Tegra-only games?

0 votes

Is there any graphic-accelerated PDF reader for Android?

0 votes

Why does my Samsung Galaxy S lose data for some applications?

0 votes

Play music from PC on Android

0 votes

HTC Sensation sent screenshot to Google+ Instant Upload?

0 votes

Songs from Google Play don't show up on phone

0 votes

Quickly send file from phone to PC via internet?

0 votes

Why does every application run as a separate user under Android?

0 votes

How to install Google Play Services?

0 votes

Unable to access the "mmcblk0p6" file, on Samsung S5300 Mini Pocket

0 votes

PGP keys on Android

0 votes

How can I forward texts to my tablet and reply back?

0 votes

Any way to push files onto android phones?

0 votes

How can I search for emails on an IMAP (or exchange) server?

0 votes

UDP multicast with reverse tethering

0 votes

How can I change the default browser?

0 votes

Preventing syncing of Google+ contacts to Galaxy S3

0 votes

Modify file without creating a copy

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