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NarenderNishad's user avatar
NarenderNishad's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
3 votes

Nexus 7 is not being detected on Mac

2 votes

Disable the screenlock on Samsung Galaxy Tab with forgotten password?

2 votes

Make phone calls using a computer through an Android phone, both connected by WiFi

1 vote

Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 4.1.2 wifi disconnects when my screen goes off

1 vote

Where do i found file manager in SONY Xperia?

1 vote

How do I backup my contacts that are on an excel file into my nexus 5 phone?

0 votes

What are the causes of an android phone bricking?

0 votes

Recovering deleted pictures

0 votes

Cant access my samsung galaxy tab 3 for kids as my google account is blocked

0 votes

How do I search for .gif image on my S3?

0 votes

Can I prevent auto-update of apps with changed permissions?

0 votes

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini (E10i) stuck on boot logo after installing a custom ROM using CWM Recovery

0 votes

What does this icon in my notification window mean?

-1 votes

Did I just brick my HTC One X

-1 votes

Backup of apps and their settings