My phone (Fairphone) does not have the 'English (UK)' locale, only the US one. I recently discovered how to download custom voices for Google text-to-speech ('Install voice data' from settings) and have downloaded a UK English voice to replace the default American voice, which I find incredibly irritating (sorry, Americans!). Unfortunately, even though I have downloaded the voice data, I still seem unable to switch to the new voice, as 'English (UK)' is still not an option when visiting TTS's 'Language' menu. Am I missing something here? How do I make my phone speak to me in my native language? (My Android version is 4.2.2)
1 Answer
Here's what worked on my US-based xperia:
Settings > language & input > language (select English (UK)) Then back to language & input > text-to-speech output > select google-text-to-speech engine then click on the settings icon next to it > language > english (UK)
Any luck? The key for me was to set the language first.
No, unfortunately the Fairphone only has one 'English' language option, and that's the US one. (No idea why, as a Dutch company, they made this decision, but that's a topic for another day!) Commented Mar 1, 2015 at 16:59
Are you using it in a specific situation? For example, Chrome has a language extension that might be a work around. For navigation, Here has a very nice set that won't send you heading for the bolt hole. Commented Mar 1, 2015 at 20:31