I am trying to unlock my HTC One M9 following the instructions on the HTCdev website. When I get to the part where you're supposed to obtain the identifier token, it doesn't give me any errors, but it also doesn't give the token. I have the phone booted in 'download mode' (As far as I can tell from the HTCdev website, this is the equivalent of fastboot mode for everything M9 and later. There is no actual fastboot mode in the bootloader).
Below is what I get when I type in 'fastboot oem get_identifier_token'.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_identifier_toke
(bootloader) [KillSwitch] : /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/frp
(bootloader) [KillSwitch] Last Byte is 0X00, disable unlock
(bootloader) [KillSwitch] oem unlock Turn Off!
OKAY [ 0.059s]
finished. total time: 0.064s
Do you have any ideas about what I'm missing here?