Do what Suncatcher suggest,
And / or...
Install Phliz cuatom recovery via download mode to do full partition backup to your external card
(Philz makes good backup, results in folder clockworkmod)
Then change the recovery, install TWRP custom recovery via download mode and go to file manager feature to copy all your files from internal memory to external card
You can mount the system partition also to browse and copy files
(TWRP good at this)
Backup all your copy and partition backup from external card to your PC
Back to your phone with file manager in TWRP,
Go to /data/system/sync
Rename folder /sync to /sync.old
Then back to /data/app
Delete or rename to .old the apk that you suspect too hard to load when boot up
Then rename that folder /data/app to /data/app.old
Then reboot the system
You will find your phone successfully boot with factory only applications
There will be your last sms, contacts, dial logs with no last applications you've had
If you want to get your last applications, reboot to recovery (TWRP) go to advance - file manager
Delete the /data/app
Then rename /data/app.old back to /data/app
Wipe dalvik cache
Repair partiton one by one (in wipe - advance) feature
Do the renaming and wiping steps carefully and get focus
(well, you still have backups in your PC, right?)
Then reboot the system
You have to plug in your devices to charger while waiting the phone boot up. It can take up to one hour to successfully boot depend on how many applications to load
You will find all your applications back on stage but with no logins
Hope that could help