I went through the tutorial found here and was able to unlock the bootloader, get s-off, get CWM installed, and superuser. Here are the questions I am having now.

  1. Should I relock the bootloader after getting s-off? Will that prevent me from doing anything?
  2. In that tutorial under the facepalm instructions, do I need to do step 7 if I already got s-off using facepalm?
  3. How can I remove * TAMPERED * from the bootloader?

1 Answer 1


Should I relock the bootloader after getting s-off? Will that prevent me from doing anything?

No. You can't flash unsigned ROM nor alter ROM (e.g. get permanent root). Source.

In that tutorial under the facepalm instructions, do I need to do step 7 if I already got s-off using facepalm?

Yes. It is needed so you can flash the /boot partition from recovery. The stock HBOOT blocks access while in recovery. Source.

How can I remove * TAMPERED * from the bootloader?

UPDATE 2013-08-16: From OP: After following the steps he mentioned in the guide, TAMPERED is gone and has been replaced with the -- DirtyRacun -- label. There also is nothing that says UNLOCKED anymore.

  • Awesome thanks a bunch! So for the directions on step 7 though. All I need to do is the steps on the right hand side of the page? I dont need to do all of that stuff down the middle right because thats mostly for getting s-off?
    – Metropolis
    Commented Aug 15, 2013 at 14:27
  • @Metropolis Yeah, right side only. :)
    – geffchang
    Commented Aug 15, 2013 at 14:38
  • Okay heres the deal. I did the HBOOT flash, now the TAMPERED is gone and has been replaced with the -- DirtyRacun -- label. There also is nothing that says UNLOCKED anymore. So I guess if I ever needed to try and get back to stock, I would first need to flash a stock HBOOT and then relock and get s-on right?
    – Metropolis
    Commented Aug 15, 2013 at 19:00
  • 1
    @Metropolis When you flash a stock ROM, you usually lose root, but the bootloader stays unlocked (for Samsung Galaxy S4 anyway). So yes, I suppose you need to do what you just mentioned. You can also Ask another question just to be sure. I'm not familiar with HTC.
    – geffchang
    Commented Aug 16, 2013 at 1:16

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