I have an Alcatel Idol 3 (6045Y variant) with TWRP and yesterday i received the Marshmallow update notification. As other users noticed, this update also removes fastboot commands and reverts the recovery back to stock. Now, i have downloaded the update.zip file and transferred it on my PC in order to edit updater-script
(possibly other files?) so i can keep fastboot and/or TWRP. If this is my updater-script
content, am i safe with removing this line and keep TWRP?
package_extract_dir("recovery", "/system");
Please note recovery
folder contains file recovery-from-boot.p
and bin
folder which contains this script.
Also, some devs at XDA reported we can't have both fastboot commands and a working Marshmallow system, why is it so? Can't i simply remove the line where it flashes the new aboot
partition (which, i'm not sure, contains fastboot commands)?