I am using a brand new Blu R1 HD android phone running 6.0.

On my way to work this morning I was listening to a podcast over bluetooth in my car.

Every once in a while a notifcation would sound on the stereo. I would open my phone and it would say "wifi networks nearby".

I have never experienced this on an Android phone.

How can i disable notifications sounding when a nearby wifi network is detected (barring shutting down the wifi).


2 Answers 2


Go to Settings -> Wi-Fi -> (3-dot menu near top right corner) -> Advanced

Turn OFF Network Notifications

Wi-Fi Advanced Settings


Uncheck or toggle notify when public network available (from settings> WiFi> advanced)- that may be the reason

  • 1
    My thought as well. Alternatively (and that should work for sure): disable WiFi whenever you don't use it anyway. There are lots of automation apps to help you with that. I e.g. use Tasker, and have it turn off WiFi whenever I leave home – and turn it back on when I return.
    – Izzy
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 17:24

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